
A picture is worth a 1000 words

I grew up in Southern California pretty much my entire life, but I was raised by my mother who spoke broken English...  Therefore, I know a lot of Japanese 'adages' and 'proverbs,' but when it comes to American sayings, I get them wrong sometimes.  I love them though.  Every culture seems to have old wives tales, folk wisdom, and wise sayings that always make me nod my head and say, "uh-huh,  I agree!"  The American adage I misused most recently: A picture is worth a thousand words.  I kept saying, "a picture is a thousand words..."  Usually, whomever is standing closest to me, corrects me.  This time, it just so happened to be my husband.  "It's A picture is WORTH a thousand words.  Not a picture IS a thousand words."  Somehow, I find myself being more gracious when it is a stranger or a friend who corrects me.  When it's Mark, it just sounds condescending.  "Gees!  Okay, okay.  Sorry!"  You get the point.

Wikipedia says, "A picture is worth a thousand words" refers to the idea that a complex idea can be conveyed with just a single still image. It also aptly characterizes one of the main goals of visualization, namely making it possible to absorb large amounts of data quickly.

In any case, we just got professional photos sent to us of a house we built in Palos Verdes Estates.  Mark was the GC, and I did the exterior/interior material selections.  (Architecture by: Studio 9one2)  I think the pictures of the place are WORTH a thousand words.  Enjoy!


  1. Is this house effing for real??? happy birthday, my love!!!

  2. LOL! The view looks photoshop-ed in that last picture right? But it's for real! Know anyone wanting to buy? Thank you for the Birthday wishes my darling. xoxoxo
