
Year of the Rabbit

Happy Year of the Rabbit.
Look at this cutie with a lovely Mulberry messenger bag!

 Is this for real?  Yes!  It's an Angora.

 Holy Rabbit-zilla!

One of the best books written.  EVER.


  1. I read Watership Down in 9th grade. At the time, we were like, talking rabbits? Then the picture of the Angora rabbit - we have a mousse called Ample Angora, and it makes your hair really big, just like that rabbit. love you!

  2. I need me some Ample Angora! Not that I want a bouffant or anything,but my hair is really flat and boring these days... LOL! And I know, the talking rabbits is very fairy-tale, but you should re-read it as an adult. You get so much more out of it. ;) Ahhh, this conversation totally makes me want to re-read The Neverending Story again.

  3. Ooh, me too. We should do a book club and start with Neverending Story.
