
It's a tear-down...

I live in a tear-down.  Actually, more like a should have been torn down 3 years ago...  It's a California bungalow, which sounds cute unless you live in it.  When we moved in 8 years ago, I started working on the plans.  Which of course is the thing to do when you graduate from 5 grueling years of architecture school.  Every archi-torture grad dreams of building their own house.  A fabulous house.  One that is "green" and contemporary and fit for publication in Dwell.  Some of my contemporaries have already accomplished it.  Me?  No.  I'm married to and work with a contractor, but 8 years and 67 revisions to the plans later, (I counted) I am still living in the same f-ing house that we moved into, except now, the house is just plain gross.  We did the first round of fix-ups waaaaaay back when.  Painted the exterior siding and trim, painted an accent wall orange, then a pretty shade of blue, spruced up our miniscule kitchen, white -washed the brick fireplace, hung some art...  but the point was not to spend too much money because in the end, "it's a tear-down."  I should not sound so ungrateful having a roof over my head.  I am grateful...  Even though the sun baked plastic skylights leak like a sieve.  (I guess the Smurf Village mushrooms and moss growing on the 70 year old shingles can't absorb that much precipitation.)  But tonight, I have never wanted so badly to rent a crane with wrecking ball and a Bobcat to demo the damn place myself.  I would have cried tears of joy as the crushing kinetic energy from that steel ball hurtled through our domain and then I would have cackled all the way to the dump after bulldozing anything that was left. I cry a little now just imagining shards of our quaint "it's a tear-down" crumbling to the ground.  For you see, I actually put a pair of heels on for a holiday party tonight.  It was raining, (yes, the skylights leaked) so I knew my toes would be a little cold, but I owned those pretty little heels.  That is, until I stepped onto the hardwood floor and one of the 3" stiletto's punctured my termite ridden floor.  Really?  Is this what I live in?  A house that can't even support my weight in a heeled shoe?  Frick!  So I changed shoes, since the floor ruined my other pair, went to the holiday party and came home to a tell-tale hole in the floor.  The economy sucks.  I am glad that we are still in business, barely, but we are still standing.  But why oh why didn't we just tear down the "it's a tear-down" when we could have a few years ago?


  1. oh no! It's like the stiletto "love dent" I put into the leather backseat of my convertible when I was trying to drunkenly make out with the cute boy in the passenger seat, while Ashley was designated driving. Don't worry, I will submit you for Extreme Home Makeover. Do you have any adopted children who are suffering miserably from any debilitating diseases that would be cured by a brand new house?? Let me know.

  2. OMG. Okay, the love dent wins over the hole in the floor. The best was that Ash was driving while it all went down. That's an instant classic SFL story. I don't have any children suffering from any debilitating diseases, but we do have a business that suffers miserably from a bad case of rocky economy-itis... Does that count?
